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public class ViewportLayout
extends Object
implements LayoutManager, Serializable
The default layout manager for JViewport. JViewportLayout defines a policy for layout that should be useful for most applications. The viewport makes its view the same size as the viewport, however it will not make the view smaller than its minimum size. As the viewport grows the view is kept bottom justified until the entire view is visible, subsequently the view is kept top justified.

Warning: serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between Swing1.0 applications. It will not be possible to load serialized Swing1.0 objects with future releases of Swing. The JDK1.2 release of Swing will be the compatibility baseline for the serialized form of Swing objects.

Constructor Index

 o ViewportLayout()

Method Index

 o addLayoutComponent(String, Component)
Adds the specified component to the layout.
 o layoutContainer(Container)
Called by the AWT when the specified container needs to be laid out.
 o minimumLayoutSize(Container)
Returns the minimum dimensions needed to layout the components contained in the specified target container.
 o preferredLayoutSize(Container)
Returns the preferred dimensions for this layout given the components in the specified target container.
 o removeLayoutComponent(Component)
Removes the specified component from the layout.


 o ViewportLayout
 public ViewportLayout()


 o addLayoutComponent
 public void addLayoutComponent(String name,
                                Component c)
Adds the specified component to the layout. Not used by this class.

name - the name of the component
comp - the the component to be added
 o removeLayoutComponent
 public void removeLayoutComponent(Component c)
Removes the specified component from the layout. Not used by this class.

comp - the component to remove
 o preferredLayoutSize
 public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent)
Returns the preferred dimensions for this layout given the components in the specified target container.

target - the component which needs to be laid out
a Dimension object containing the preferred dimensions
See Also:
target, minimumLayoutSize
 o minimumLayoutSize
 public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container parent)
Returns the minimum dimensions needed to layout the components contained in the specified target container.

target - the component which needs to be laid out
a Dimension object containing the minimum dimensions
See Also:
 o layoutContainer
 public void layoutContainer(Container parent)
Called by the AWT when the specified container needs to be laid out.

parent - the container to lay out
Throws: AWTError
if the target isn't the container specified to the BoxLayout constructor

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